this coming Saturday..another order.. butter cake with edible Ben10.. nmpknya..lepas ni sure kena p kelas deco kek..tgk kat blog k.jun...ada class April ni but 23/4.. mana sempt nk join sbb ada bowling plak pg tu..esoknya plak besday mudrikah..alahai..sempt ke aku nk prepare sumer tu...heheh.. wpun menu simple but still hetric jugak aa.. hope my hubby can take of our lil' monster tu..hehehe..
for Bowling tournament..hope ada luck aa kali ni..hehehe...(mcm teror sgt main ek..) br aku prasan..masa blaja UPM dl mcm xde sgt p main bowling...byk tgk wayang je...betui x..? hehehe..
okla.. wish me luck ek..utk tournament, cake Ben10, and besday celebration on Sunday.
Dijemput sesiapa yang dh di invite..jemput aa dtg..kot ada yg tlupe nk invite..dtg jugak la.. ok!
Peeps from my lil' kitchen..(Each cake cost RM30-00)
to my BFF Kawanda.. nk rasa kek ek.. nk hantar masa besday..courier xleh nk antarkan.. so, dtg KL bgtau ek.. i bake for well as Asam Pedas.. still owe u that meal..
yg lain pun sama...bleh je klu nk rasa..meh dtg umah..bgtau dl, bleh prepare!!
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